The seams are all straight (for the most part..) and the zip looks alright, so it fulfulled its purpose and made me feel better about sewing. Onwards and upwards maybe? I have two choices now, I think. Choice one, make the shorts again but this time make adjustments so that they actually fit. Choice two, make Simplicity 4111 out of a stretch knit that I bought a few weeks ago. The unmentioned choice three is to just make a t-shirt out of it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to run the t-shirt-with-no-pattern gauntlet again. That episode went totally unreported with good reason, as there are 4 red t-shirts stuffed at the very bottom of my supplies box.
I also really want to make this. After finding myself without a bag, I took to carrying all of my things in a calico shopping bag and I think it has finally convinced me that off the shoulder bags are the greatest thing ever. I refuse to call it a handbag though, because it's a watermelon. Very un-handbag like I think..
I also somehow managed to accomplish this;

I had a 10 dollar chipboard ironing board courtesy of K-mart for a few weeks (they wanted 50 for a real one!!) until I spotted one next to the skip at my brothers house. It turned out to be in excellent condition, with no rust and it doesn't scream when it's opened. The cover was pretty scummy though, so I needed a new one. Ruth did too, so we decided to make our own. Finding a print that we liked turned out to be a trek and a half but we found the right one in the end and had fun making them. It was pretty easy and now we have ironing board covers that fit perfectly and look awesome and only cost 6 dollars (excluding the ten dollar felt mat to go under it).
I love my free ironing board!
I also really want to make this. After finding myself without a bag, I took to carrying all of my things in a calico shopping bag and I think it has finally convinced me that off the shoulder bags are the greatest thing ever. I refuse to call it a handbag though, because it's a watermelon. Very un-handbag like I think..
I also somehow managed to accomplish this;
I had a 10 dollar chipboard ironing board courtesy of K-mart for a few weeks (they wanted 50 for a real one!!) until I spotted one next to the skip at my brothers house. It turned out to be in excellent condition, with no rust and it doesn't scream when it's opened. The cover was pretty scummy though, so I needed a new one. Ruth did too, so we decided to make our own. Finding a print that we liked turned out to be a trek and a half but we found the right one in the end and had fun making them. It was pretty easy and now we have ironing board covers that fit perfectly and look awesome and only cost 6 dollars (excluding the ten dollar felt mat to go under it).
I love my free ironing board!